Induratio Penis Plastica (IPP)
Treatment Is Possible
Induratio Penis Plastica (IPP, Peyronie's disease) is a chronic, intermittent or phased disease in the area of the cavernous body of the penis (fibrosis), during the course of which the penis becomes curved (deviation). Around 3-7% of all men are affected. IPP occurs more frequently from around the age of 45, although much younger men can also be affected.
At the beginning of the disease, pain occurs during erection, accompanied by increasing deviation of the penis. In the later stages, the pain is less pronounced, but permanent deviation persists - often associated with erectile dysfunction. The cause lies in hardening of the connective tissue along the penis, which can be diagnosed as palpable plaques directly under the skin. These hardenings can be caused by microtraumas (e.g. during frequent or intensive sexual intercourse).
Oral medication and injections often do not have the desired effect. Locally applied electromotive drug application Electromotive drug administration (EMDA®*) can achieve good results when used in the early stages of IPP (inflammatory-fibrotising phase). Mild deviations can be improved. There are also reports of a significant reduction in the sensation of pain. The treatment itself is free of pain and side effects.
* Only available in Germany and Switzerland