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UROMED Hotline +49 40 71 30 07-0
Patients »
Well Advised, Safe on the Way – with UROMED

Urological problems are widespread in the population, even though nobody likes to talk about urinary tract infections and incontinence. UROMED provides you with a wide range of aids that make it easier for you to deal with your illness and allow you to participate more easily in social life. We are happy to advise you on the right product for your needs.

Under the headline “Patients” we give you an insight into various urological diseases such as incontinence, urinary tract infections, residual urine problems, bladder cancer sowie prostate cancer. You will also find valuable information on catheters and how they work, as well as information about aids and the reimbursement of costs by the health insurance companies.

Doctors and Professionals »
Prevention, Diagnosis, Therapy – UROMED Is Your Expert

The health and well-being of your patients are your main focus. As a specialist in the field of urology, UROMED would like to support you.

In the “Doctors” section, we have provided you with a wide range of information on our urological aids and their application areas, for example for urolithiasis, interstitial cystitis, IPP or bladder and prostate carcinomas. Here you will also find special solutions, such as EMDA®* (electromotive drug administration), which we have developed for the benefit and improvement of the quality of life of your patients. We would be pleased to inform you about our products.

In Focus

Help for Chronic Cystitis
Help for Chronic Cystitis
Severe pain in the bladder and lower abdominal region, up to 60 visits to the toilet per day and a corresponding restricted quality of life...
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Reimbursement of Costs
Reimbursement of Costs
If you are dependent on the supply of medical aids, your health insurance company will generally assume the costs in Germany...
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UROMED Catheter Valves for the Control of Urinary Bladder Emptying
UROMED Catheter Valves
With the UROMED catheter valve, your patients can regulate bladder function themselves in a controlled way – by urinating at the push of a button. You can make this possible for patients with permanent catheters.
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Our Solutions for Continence Problems
Our Solutions for Continence Problems
For problems of discharging urine from the body, various methods are used, each with corresponding, appropriate aids. We are orientating ...
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* Only available in Germany and Switzerland